Felizzzzzz Navidad! (un poco tarde)
Wow this Christmas was really special! It went by really fast but it was A LOT of fun. At like 7 in the morning we crossed the river to get to town and guess who I ran into, my trainer Elder Lopez! He ended his mission about a year ago exactly by came back for the season to visit people with his parents. It was awesome to see him again. (pic 1) After that we went to Chauçhuits and had a zone meeting. It was pretty cool, we gave service by helping a recent convert make 15 piñatas for a cinceneta and then we played Christmas jeopardy and ate tlayudas(like these giant quesidillas like 4 inches thick) and shrimp. Classic Oaxacan meal. We went to the park and got to take a district photo!(pic 2, that's our district)Then we headed back and we didn't get invited to any special Christmas dinners(there a VERY few members) but we did teach some amazing lessons! We found a sister named Maribel who we contacted the other week and this was going to be the second lesson with her. Well we got there and her husband was there. We went and we taught the Restoration and her husband was very quiet but when we asked if he though Joseph smith was a prophet we was like "I don't know, but I think so, how can I know?" then we taught him about prayer and he offered an amazing one. We talked about how many time the holy ghost works through feeling and if he reads ponders and prayers he can know if our message is true. We've got another visit for this Wednesday and were super excited, we know they are going to receive their answers. Anyways that was my Christmas, I'm glad you enjoyed the cold back home, here it is nothing but HOT! but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I love you guys so much, Adios!