Wow this week went by so fast! Wow this year went by so fast! Time passes by differently here, partly because there's always something to do and partly because here this run on a different time zone so when we schedule meetings at 6 have have to tell them at 5 and it makes things a little complicated.
This week was amazing! My companion and I are working really hard and learning a lot about how to teach the gospel here. Did I ever tell you guys to enter our area we have to cross a river? Did I tell you that before we had to cross being pulled by a horse team but right now they're using boats? Well that's what we do every time we need to leave our area. This week we had to leave the area like 4 times and twice to go to a neighboring town ixhuatan. The first time we hd divisions and I went with an elder from sinoloa. We got to his area and started working when at like 8 at night it just started pouring. But when it rains here it rain hard. It almost hurts to be outside, it feels like someone is standing above you spraying you with a fire hose. anyways so we head back to the house I find out that the elders living here sleep with their beds outside! We get there and the beds are halfway placed under a overhang and halfway out in the open soaking wet. Well we're super beat from working in the sun all day so we put the sheets over the wettest part and just went to bed. It was really fun though being outside because here there is thunder and lighting and a lot of it.
This week was amazing! My companion and I are working really hard and learning a lot about how to teach the gospel here. Did I ever tell you guys to enter our area we have to cross a river? Did I tell you that before we had to cross being pulled by a horse team but right now they're using boats? Well that's what we do every time we need to leave our area. This week we had to leave the area like 4 times and twice to go to a neighboring town ixhuatan. The first time we hd divisions and I went with an elder from sinoloa. We got to his area and started working when at like 8 at night it just started pouring. But when it rains here it rain hard. It almost hurts to be outside, it feels like someone is standing above you spraying you with a fire hose. anyways so we head back to the house I find out that the elders living here sleep with their beds outside! We get there and the beds are halfway placed under a overhang and halfway out in the open soaking wet. Well we're super beat from working in the sun all day so we put the sheets over the wettest part and just went to bed. It was really fun though being outside because here there is thunder and lighting and a lot of it.
I had another opportunity to go to ixhuatan and interview a man who was preparing to get baptized. His name is Edwin. Edwin is 24 years old, has a wife but they don't live together, he's been talking with the missionaries about two months now and he is one of the most humble people I have met. He used to be a heavy drinker and went out all the time with his friends until one day he got drunk and broke somebodies closet. He was locked up for about 4 days and while in jail he prayed to God and wanted to change is life. When he got released he starts walking home and who does he run into? The missionary's! Since then he's made drastic changes in his life and his friends and even his work. He hasn't drank since and everyday reads in the book of mormon. It was such privilege to interview him, he is a example that anybody it doesn't matter who you are or where you're at in life can change and accept the Saviour. I know my Savior lives and he died so each one of us can live and if we follow his example each one of us can return to live with him again. I love you guys and hope you have an awesome week this week! Stay safe and remember to stay humble and remember the Savior!
(here's my companion eating a watermelon, there about 35 cents here)
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