Haha! I love that picture! and hey Happy Birthday mom! I am so happy your my mom! The first time our zone leader saw Rosemary Wixom he was like ´es su mama? Es Su Mama!?´ it was really funny but I'm happy she not my mom because my mom is the best! When it's your birthday here in Mexico your friends get together and soak you with water! I dont know if that's a tradition yet in Idaho but that's definitely something I'm going to bring home with me!
So we got to watch conference this weekend. We had to go all the way to Chahuites and stay the night at the zone leaders house. It was a lot of traveling but it was awesome! I have never felt the spirit so strongly watching general conference before. You could just feel and know while these men were speaking that they are called of God. Es Increible!
I love you all, I hope you all have the best week this week! Nos vemos!
Elder Wixom
Yeah! I loved this general conference! The three new apostles are going to do really well, you could feel the spirit strongly when they were sharing their testimonies, I'm glad they've been called to represent our church. I'm so jealous, were going to have to keep going to every priesthood session as a family when I get back, it'll be so much fun!
Camden haha, yeah I'm sure he's loving his mission right now, every now and then I'll get an email from him and he's just as funny and happy as ever.
What's been standing out a lot to me the last little while is the importance of the family, and especially my family. I just want to say I love you dad for all your sacrifices and patience with me through out the years. I cant wait to come home and spend some more time with all of you. Thanks for the support and thanks for the emails and hug mom for me and tell her happy birthday. I hope the best for you guys this week! Hasta Luego!
Elder Wixom
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