Wow, this week was awesome. I feel like I've spent literally no time in my own area this week. We've been traveling so much to Chauhuites and Izhuatan it's been crazy, but we got to see a bunch of cool miracles this week.
So the first miracle this week was we baptized Hna Maria de Jesus (por fin!). This is an hna who completely changed her life for the gospel. She's the mom of a recent convert sister. Maria used to be a heavy drinker with her husband and never wanted anything to do with any church. She even used to harass the missionaries when they passed by. Well a couple years ago she got really really sick(probably from all the drinking) and had to move back with her daughter. She's been having a really hard time with all of her health complications and her husband as well. They cut off about half of his foot. I think that's what really humbled her. Since then she's given up alcohol, cafe, she even got legally married after living together with her husband for over 30 years. It was an awesome to be able to get to know and teach her. She wanted to be baptized because she feels like i'ts the right thing to do and she wants to live more like Christ. My companion baptized her this Saturday in the church that's in Ixhautan and it was amazing.
Oh man I wish there was time to tell you guys more. This week was incredible! Thanks for the letters and thanks for the support! I hope you all have an awesome week!
Elder Wixom
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