My new companion Elder Panohaya is awesome. He is a pretrained missionary, he has four older brothers who have all been on missions and so my companion has practical been living in the MTC for 19 years. We're still here in San Franscico del Mar Pueble Nuevo and I don't ever want to leave. This area is so amazing, it's had a lot of ups and downs in the years but right now everyones getting excited to watch it grow again.
This week we're going to do a zone wide consecration where we get together and bless the area. Then as a zone all the missionary's will leave with the priesthood members and visit all the members and investigadores de cade area to bless there familias and their homes so they can more fully párticipate in the mission work. It's going to be amazing.
Sorry I don't have time to rewrite it in english jaja but David our investigator is doing awesome!
Mi companero y yo estamos aqui trabajando, mi companero vino pre preparado y ya trabaja bien duro. Es un buen ejemplo para mi. Ayer vinieron tres investigadores a la iglesia, Santiago, Anali, y David. David wow is un milagro. Es muy bueno el, ha asistido a nuestra iglesia antes pero alla en mexico y le gusto mucho. Nos dijo que sentio que era la iglesia verdadera. Despues tuvo un sueno en que dios le dio un vaso de agua para tomar pero no lo tomo. Pudimos explicarle que el vaso era la santa cena y despues el bautismo al tomar la cena dignamente se limpia de sus pecados. Vino a la capilla el seguiendo dia y acepto la fecha bautismal para este 19. ve a ser el primer miembro de su familia y van a ser una familia eterna.Dios esta preparando la gente solo hay que buscar con el espiritu de fe y mucha oracion.
Anyways I love you all, have awesome week!
Elder Wixom
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