Hey! That's awesome, here it's just really really hot always. I guess it never gets cold here in Chauhuites, it's just sunny, and even more sunny. So this week was really strange. Due to transfers and green card problems we spent about the whole week traveling and about 6 hours working our my own area. The weirdest thing is due to ticket prices our leaders had my companion stay in Chahuites while I got to travel solo. That was terrible, after being glued to someone for a year it's the strangest feeling every to be traveling by yourself, I never want to do that again haha. But the cool thing is that I had some of the best contacts of my mission. I took a taxi to get to the mission office and I talked with a man named Carlos. He's not a member but 3 days before I talked with him he drove some sister missionaries around and talked with them. He said he was really interested in their message but didn't have alot of time to talk with them. They gave him a pamphlet and he told me he had been reading it in his taxi when I came up. We talked a while (it's like 15 minutes to get to the offices) and he told me all about his family his wife and how neither attend church but both are wanting to know more about God. We talked about our church and Gods love for all of us and about that's why he wants us to go to church and he got so excited. I taught him how to pray and he said he's going to pray and go to church I was able to promise him if he did that God would answer his prayers. I had to leave then but I have no doubt that if he prayed and went to church it wont be long until he and his family will be baptized. Oh my goodness that was just one thing that happened but saw so many miracles this week it was amazing. God Loves us and knows us and wants the best for each and everyone one of us and knows what we need and when we need it.
Anyways my new companion is awesome, he's Elder Panohaya from Puebla. We've got two baptisms planned this week. Our president has set goals for every companionship. He wants us to contact 140 people every week and have at least 21 lessons with investigators and another 7 with less active or recently converted members.
Well I'm super out of time but I love you all and hope you have an awesome week!
Elder Wixom
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