Happy Birthday Madi! How do you feel to be finally be 15? Ready to drive? I know 9 year boys and girls who drive around in adult 200cc motorcycles all the time, it really changes your perspective on drivers safety. Anyways you're going to have so much fun this year. Here when it's your birthday and when you go to blow out the candles they shove your head in the cake, I hope that hasn't happened to you ;)
So we just got transfers and guess what, I've got another tranfer here! (woohoo) I'm super excited, right now I've got to head to tuxtla because I'm going to be training again, I don't know who yet but I love working with the new missionarys. But saadly that means Elder Rosas is leaving.. but its ok because he's going to my old zone with my companion from the MTC Elder Russell, They're going to be great together.
We're visiting a couple boys named Sayid and Eric and they are awesome! They always study the book of mormon and have tons of questions and really want to get baptized but their dad is reallly pentecostes. We're trying to get permision from their parents to attend church because these children really are amazing, we're going to do all we can think this week to try to help them.
Right now the branch we're in there's about 20 active members. Only the president and a very old man named Agustin worthly hold the priesthood but there are others who attend every now and then. David is married with a kid and he's really awesome, he really wants to stop drinking and smoking and we've been trying to show him how having faith in Christ and following him will help him.
Thanks mom I just got your package, that was hilarious. One of our investigatooes Neftali was with us when I opened and he really like my guitaritita.
Anyways I love you all, have a fantastic semana!
Elder Wixom
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