Tuxtla is great, really warm haha. The people here are so, so friendly. Chiapas is amazing.
Fun fact: the youngest in the family here in Chiapas is either called the Chunko (chew-nk-OH) or the pichi (peachy). For example, if madi was at home and was thirsty she could say "Chunko, dame agua!" and Justin would have to bring her agua because hes the chunko.
We're visiting a family right now that live just down the street. They came to church with us and and super friendly, they like reading and have tons of questions for us. We've also been a little sick the last little while so we have been able to visit them as often as we'd like but we're going to stop by tonight. If you like to pray for family Cruz Agilar that would be nice.
I found a book the other day called the power of everyday missionaries by Clayton M Christensen. I'd like it if you guys could buy it and read it as a family.
The next transfers are 15 of August. Wow it's almost been year since I've been out here. The time goes by quickly. Hey I love you dad and all you've done for me, you're an awesome example of Christ like values.
Anyway thanks for everything! Cuidense!
Elder Wixom
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