Wow the cart looks great! And yeah the carts an awesome job if you can find enough events. This year I literally forgot all about the 4th haha, oops. But it sounds like you had a blast. They do a lot of fireworks here but mostly just bottle rockets and more in Ocosingo, my old area.
Wow the cart looks great! And yeah the carts an awesome job if you can find enough events. This year I literally forgot all about the 4th haha, oops. But it sounds like you had a blast. They do a lot of fireworks here but mostly just bottle rockets and more in Ocosingo, my old area.
So this week we started visiting all the members and sharing with them Alma 6:6 which teaches us to fast and pray for those who don't know God. We've been inviting them in their personal prayers to pray specifically for the families we visit. I'd like to invite you guys to do the same but with people you know specifically in your ward. If right now you don't know anyone who is investigating the gospel to pray for I encourage you to look for someone and invite them to mutual to church with you and then make sure to include them in your prayers. Prayers make miracles when we do them right so really think about what your praying for and how you want God to answer your prayer. I know God answers prayers and is always ready to hear us. Thanks for everything fam and have an awesome week!
Con Amor,
Elder Wixom
Bad news, I think either the heat or the humidity got to my camera and ya murio :( But I will continue sending photos from my companions camera! Love you all, bye!
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