So Mexico is awesome. Really really warm and really humid haha. The rain just started and they tell me it goes on daily until November. Yikes, but we're getting used to it and really it only rains in the afternoon.
Cambios are I'm going to stay here in Bosques but my companion is going to Chojolo. It's in the altos of Chiapas. It's where all of the indigenous people live and it's where they don't send guedos. Tomorrow I'm getting my new companion whose name is, wait for it, Elder Luna! Same name different Elder haha but I'm really excited. Change is always really fun.
It sounds like you guys are having an awesome time in Idaho! That's great! And yeah Idaho is really pretty, I miss all the hikes and camp outs. But there's time for that after my mission. Here in Chiapas it's also really fun.
This Sunday we learned a lot about Fasting. Our Stake President came and gave a talk about fasting and then we taught our investigador Victor about fasting during Principles of the Gospel. After that we went and had our lesson about, you guessed it, fasting. The teacher didn't know our investidagor wasn't a member and started asking him about the basics of fasting and it was awesome to see how much he remembered. He and and a little girl named Hna Luz both have baptisms scheduled this Saturday so we're going to keep our fingers crossed that they're preparing. We're going to do our best to visit them daily.
Besides that life here is amazing! Have an awesome week, love you all!
Elder Wixom
pic of tuxtla!
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