ay buenos dias!
This week was awesome! my companion and I were in Ixhuatan Sunday Monday and Tuesday because an elder there had to go to Tuxtla to sign some documents and my companion and I stayed with his companion. It's always a lot of fun visiting other areas because you don't know anyone and you can literally invite everyone you come into contact with to come unto Christ. We've been teaching a lot with the Christmas videos a savior is born and it has been very useful. If you haven't seen it yet look it up at mormon.org/christmas, they're both amazing!
Yesterday we went and saw the temple dedication in Tijuana. It was incredible. Elder Uchtdorf spoke about service and how were we serve others we are really only serving our Savior, it was amazing!
Were working a lot with a kid named Angel. he's 15, his parents don't live together and right now he lives by himself. He's been church more that 20 times but its been a while, he's struggled a lot with drugs and alcohol in his life and he wants to be baptized but he's afraid he's going to fall into bad habits again. Were teaching a lot about the Holy ghost and how it is a counsel and guide to us and we are going to help him understand the Atonement of Christ and how through his faith and obedience he can be forgiven nd born again. He's such an awesome kid, if he does his part I know the Lord will bless him
Anyways I love you all, have an awesome Christmas!
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