Heyyyyyy! So this week was great! we worked until Wednesday when I got strep throat. That was no fun :( Theres a rule here that if you get a fever of 38 you have to stay home and I was 39.5 until Saturday. I did however leave the house Friday morning for a zone conference that we had but besides that no. And Saturday and Sunday we went to all of the sessions and I didn't understand all of it, but I did understand most of it. Also the Spanish speaking general authorities are a lot easier to understand then the other authorities. I'm happy though because all the time going stir crazy in our house gave a me a stronger appreciation for the work and the chance we have to serve fulltime missions. Oh and in that time I managed to find a favorite scripture(woohoo) its Moroni 10:32-33
But my fever is gone now and my throats getting better so we're going to start working again tonight. This Sunday after the evening session of general conference we went and visited our lidre misional and while we were there we ran into the brother of the sister who we were teaching in ocosingo (recuerdan?) and we were able to talk with him about God and the Prophets and he accepted the invitacion to be baptized! That so great to here after being stuffed away in the house not being able to teach all week. Anyways we've got another meeting with him and we're going to teach the restauración and we're really excited.
Anyways I love you all I hope you all have an awesome week and wish Sol an early happy birthday, I love you!
Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Wixom
Hey I'm glad to hear you guys got to visit the family, I bet that was a blast. I just got your valentine card last and the one for Elder Lopez too haha. I really like Elder David A. Bednars talk about what it means to be God fearing, really powerful. I also just got the two books about Joseph Smith and his teachings, they both look really cool but it's going to take forever for me to read through everything. Little by little though, I love learning about the history of the church, it's all so interesting. Anyway hope you have an awesome week, thanks for all the support!
Hey I'm glad to hear you guys got to visit the family, I bet that was a blast. I just got your valentine card last and the one for Elder Lopez too haha. I really like Elder David A. Bednars talk about what it means to be God fearing, really powerful. I also just got the two books about Joseph Smith and his teachings, they both look really cool but it's going to take forever for me to read through everything. Little by little though, I love learning about the history of the church, it's all so interesting. Anyway hope you have an awesome week, thanks for all the support!
Con Amor,
Elder Wixom
So right now we're living in an area called Las Torres, a little neighborhood but it's next to Patria Nueva, Vida Mejor y Plan Chiapas, all of which are in our area. My area is all its own ward se llama "Bosques". The Hermanas in our district are both en Barrio Pimienta and that's also where our church is. I don't know if it's on the map but we're by La Torre de Chiapas, the only skyscraper in Chiapas.
Soo the Hna A and her boyfriend N are interesting. We're still teaching her and she's still really receptive but we can't seem to get ahold of N. We always see him on the street but he never has time to talk with us, right now were just looking for a time when we can talk with them both together about his baptism but we're still waiting. Something fun is we we're able to visit her younger brother S (17) and he accepted the invitacion to be baptized! WooHoo! He works a lot but this next Sunday were going to visit him again and teach the restoration. The people here are all looking for the truth and I'm just happy to be the person to help them find it!
Anyways I love you both and hope you have an amazing week!
Elder Wixom
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