Responses to letters this week:
That's awesome, yesterday me and my comp went on splits and both of us went with a priest and the goal of yesterday was to just visit the member and obtain referencias. We wanted to visit as many as we could so instead of big long lecciones we shared just a spiritual message. Me and Mario (the priest) took turns choosing what message we wanted to share and focused on the needs of the members and what the spirit directed us to share. It was so cool to see how when we put our fe in the spirit, it really is there and ready to guide us and a veces literally puts words into your mouth.
Anyways glad life is good back in the state, keep my updated!
Elder Wixom
Thanks! I can make that, and thanks for the books too, I'm really excited, I might not get them for a couple months though because the mail and also the mission home is realllly slow but that's OK, I've learned patience is absolutely key to being a successful missionary haha. And snow sounds really nice right about now, it's plenty warm haha. Anyways I don't have time for a big long letter but I really enjoyed talking with you all Christmas and I hope you have a fantastic New Years, I'll see if I can take some cool pictures this week for you guys too, anyways, Hasta Lluego!
Con Amor
Elder Wixom
My current companero, Elder Lopez!
This is the family that let me use their computer for skype, they're super nice.