That's such a good idea about each family having their individual mission plans. We might talk to Bishop Ibarra about that and see what he thinks. The Bishop here is such a nice man. Hes about 65 years old and has been a member for 18 years now. He's an ex professional soccer player and an ex I dont remember the word, maker of bread? panadero in spanish. With his help we started doing sports night every Friday with the youth last week and we had an awesome turnout of about 40-45 people and a lot of them were nonmembers. We're going to be doing that every week and movie night every other week to try and increase the unity here in the barrio and help our investigadores find more friends in the church. So far its been going great!
I love you guys! I'm sure dad has a Preach My Gospel. Chapter 9 has a lot of good ideas for missionary work. You might find somethings the family can do in there. Remember, D&C chapter 4, if you have desires to serve god you are called to the work. Have an amazing week!
Elder Wixom