Monday, January 11, 2016

New Church 1/11/16

​So this week we had sacrament meeting at our house. We got all the chairs and podium and a table did everything in the first floor of our place. It was a little cramped and took a lot of time to set up but it was ​nice and by next week ojala well have a new place meet. We found a couple of places we just need to get them approved by the church maintenance guys. If not well probably just go find a different house for ourselves and give them the one we live in to use.

Maribel and Omar are awesome. They want to know more about the plan of salvation and if they can really be a family forever. Were going to visit them and teach them more about the book of Mormon and show them how they can learn Gods plan through prayer and study. Needless to say we are super excited. Right now were looking for more members that can accompany us to visit them, we're hoping to find someone who can play with their little daughter while were teaching so we can teach more clearly. They're amazing.

Our districts working really hard. We've all been having kind of a hard time finding people who are willing to come to church on Sunday. A lot of people here are really nervous about going to a "Mormon" church because of things they've heard but were trying to explain to them the importance of church and specifically the sacrament. We just need patience, I know they'll will come.

Yesterday we taught in Sunday school the story of Nephi and the plates of brass. What I loved was Nephis courage and his faith in the Lord. Just his complete confidence that God would deliver him. And how when his brothers and he had been rejected he knew still what he must do and without doubt nor fear he followed the Holy Ghost.

"And was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which should do."
This applies to all of us constantly. The Lord is always telling us to be of good cheer and to fear not. That he will deliver us from any evil and temptacion. That he will show us what we need to do. We might not know where we will be tomorrow or today in the afternoon by right now if we follow him we will be ok. We must look to him in all things. We must mediate on the things of our Lord. We need to pray always and if we do so we will always have his Spirit to be with us, I know this is true. I just wanted to invite you mom, dad, sol, katie, madi, and justin, and everyone else to pray always. To keep praying daily as a family and personally so you to can have the guide of the Spirit. I know praying sincerally daily changes lives. I know The Saviour lives and he loves us. I invite you all to show your love and faith to God by by always remembering them in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Elder Wixom

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