Haha those photos are awesome, I love the leaders back home, they're great! Here the day of the dead is pretty much normal except, unlike back home, they eat a TON of tamales. The bright side is a sister taught me how to do it so if I can find maseca back home were going to be eating really good next Halloween. Also a bunch of little kids wanted candy from us but it was Sunday and we forgot to buy candy Saturday so we just contacted a bunch of little kids and invited them to the church and to come to our English classes. It was really fun.
Well yesterday rained a TON so not alot of people ended up coming to church but just has the third hour was supposed to start came one of our investigators David. He's about 30 and about the humblest funniest guy you'll meet. He's been to church a few times before but when he was away working in Mexico city. We found him awhile ago and he always said he wanted to go to church but he never came until today. We'd planned to have a couple who live close pass by for him, they never should but but David he came! It was a miracle! We've been having a hard time getting the people we visit come to church so it was so awesome to see him come and enjoy his time with the members. I cant wait to see him get baptized.
That's so amazing for Derek! Hes going to do so well! When does he leave? That's so fantastic.
So how goes Katie, is she still alive? haven't heard from her in a while.
Anyways thanks for the letter, I'm glad you guys are doing great, have an awesome week!
Elder Wixom