Ay thanks for the email! We're going to the ruins(tonina, the same ones) this Friday as a zone and I'm super excited! We only do it once a year so we're really lucky to be in the zone right now because the ruins are supposed to be some of the best of Chiapas!
Ha! si pues. Me and my district leader, Elder Carpenter(de Texas), have been talking about our future houses with our guns and our wives and our food storage just living out in the sticks with our families haha. Idk, right now I don't think its possible to understood the Book of Mormon without understanding the importance of being prepared for the for the 2nd coming.
Here member's hear about it but it isn't really stressed. A lot of members don't have the money or space to have any legitimate amount of storage. Also it's super humid which decreases the shelf life of almost everything by a lot.
Our teaching pool? We have tons of menos activos right now. We have been getting a lot more legitimate contacts lately but most of the time it seems like the only people who wants to talk to us in the street are the drunks. But we're doing what we can and we've had alot of success with asistencia with the menos activos and that's just as important.
I just read D&C 38:9-15 and woah, that's been giving me something to think about.
Anyway thanks for everything, how's everything back home?
Elder Wixom
HA! way to go Justin haha, thats really funny. You'll have to tell me what happened to your glasses when I get back. And it sounds like you're all really busy in the ward, keep serving others because really it is the best way we can show our love and you will never regret service.
Yeah there's a lot of US brands here but they all taste a lot different. Some are better some are, different. But when we don't like food we always have tortillas and frijoles to fall back on so we're happy. And there are a lot of really pretty birds here, they're all clipped though which is kind of sad and they don't live as long but they're really pretty and sometimes they speak, I want a Spanish speaking parrot.
Our week here was pretty good, not a lot of stories. We ran into a girl who was being taught by the missionaries in Tuxtla but moved here for school and family and now we're teaching her. She's been assisting the church and she knows the gospel really well so we're really excited, we've had a lot of investigadores fall through on us lately. Buuuut, we've got plenty of menos activos and a lot of really nice families to visit so we're going to do our best to reactivate them.
And with my testimony, I've come to realize the only way to really get a testimony is to practice a testimony and see for yourself that what you're doing and that what you know is true. If you don't know if God exists, pray. If you don't know the Book of Mormon is true, read it. If you don't know if Thomas S Monson is ordained and called of God, listen to his teachings and then ask yourself if you're not hearing counsel from our Heavenly Father. In my mission I don't think I ever really had a super firm testimony about a lot of things because I thought I understood them when I didn't. I'm so grateful for Jesus the Christ, that book gave me my testimony of our Savior. Just reading from that book and putting the principles we learn to practice, wow. So I guess I just learned when I have questions or doubts if I'll just put the words and counsel of God before my own wisdom I will never choose the wrong and there is always more to a principle then we think there is. We don't have any commandments for our physical wellbeing, they're all spiritual.
Anyways that's a little disorganized but I don't have a lot of time, I love you guys and thanks for the emails!
Elder Wixom
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