Sounds like everyone's doing good back home! That's good hear! Yoga is way cool and I bet that'll be a lot of fun for her! And I would love to hear that tape when I get home, thanks. And yeah we taught yesterday, we teach everyday haha.
Anyways some things about Ocosingo,
Right now we've had a lot of success in finding and teaching menos activos and almost no success with our investigadors. But that's good because it helps meet out goal of having this branch be a ward by the end of the year. There's hundreds of inactives here too so we have our work cut out for us.
My companion actually knows more english then I thought and he really liked American music so he's always singing all the songs that were on the radio 5 years ago and it's pretty hilarious haha.
Anyways there's a lot of frustrating stuff we have to put up with, we just have to find ways to laugh it off or else it's no fun. Be really you, take out of it what you put into it and it really is as fun as you make it. You just have to learn to enjoy the little things. I'm glad you're all doing great! Take care and I'm excited for your next email!
That's awesome! tell madi congratulations, I'm sure thatll be a ton fun! and tell Justin that's super cool and I'm proud of him. Hes a bright kid.
We had a challenging week this week but the lessons we did have were meaningful and my companion is amazing, he has a powerful testimony of the gospel. I haven't had a second interview yet and I don't know when it will be but I think we have a zone conference this month. I'll probably be here for 1 or two more transfers but who knows, transfers have been really spontaneous lately.
Anyway, thanks for the email, Love ya!
Elder Wixom