Thanks for the advice! And yeah I'm going to do my best to stay on top of my health here! There are some sketch diseases. And yeah Brock's one of the people I still email every week, he's doing good, it sounds like he's absolutely loving his mission which is great. And are you talking about E. Ethan Runyan? I love him, he is an excellent missionary and really down to earth.
Anyyyyyways. So this week my and my companion had our first baptism! It was a lot of fun. Since the plumbing in the font doesn't work we first had to drain it. Our district was there all Thursday morning just emptying it bucket by bucket, it was a lot of work but of course it was well worth it. Friday afternoon we baptized Hermana Alma. My companero did the baptism. She's a cousin of one of our really active sisters. She's about 30 and is really loving el evangelio. She has two kids who after her baptism, both asked her if they could get baptized too so were really excited to go back and teach them as well.
This Saturday we have another baptism scheduled too. The assistant to the Pres. of the branch, Ho Raul, his niece has been staying with them and we've been teaching her. Ha Gabrielle is only 16 but she's been really receptive and has been fulfilling all of her reading assignments and asks really thought provoking questions. If all goes well and she gets permission from her mom this Saturday at 6 will be her baptism and I'll have the opportunity to do it. I'm really excited!
Besides that it's been a really busy but a really successful month. Me and my companion have 6 really promising fechas bautismales and a lot of referencias to contact. Its really hard when we have to spend 3 days a week in san cristobal for meetings outside our area when we have so much to do but it just motivates us to stay on task.
In reality, already in just 3 months there's been a lot of ups and downs. There are times when you feel like you're not good enough and you don't have a strong enough testimony to teach but something I've learned is to always focus on what you do know. Como yo se que el evangelio fue restaurado por medio Jose Smith. Tambien, yo se que por medio los principios en el evangelio, recibiremos muchas mas paz y felizidad en esta vida. Es no mucha pero, it's a start. It's exactly like the conferencem doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. If you do that you can realize the actual significance of what you do know.
Anyways thanks for the letters and all the help with everything! I'll let you know if my health or anything changes but I think I'll be alright! Have an awesome new year all of you!
Con Amor
Elder Wixom
Ha Alma and us!
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