Right now we're teaching a few people. Mostly we've been strengthening the members and menos activos. I don't know if you guys have one for the US but the Plan Del Area para Mexico es we to have Mexico be self sufficient with tithing, fast offering's, missionaries, and priesthood holders and to get there we've been teaching a lot about temples, eternal families, and family history work. Our lidres have been pushing us a lot to teach out less actives so that's what we've been doing. My new comp is awesome, Elder Granados del Heffe, por la capital de Mexico. El es bien chido y su familia es de Spain.
I like training, I love my old companions but I'm excited to be able to start doing things my way and follow the rules.
Yeah I got the books, thanks! The missionarys' workouts have been kicking my butt, I love it. Y tambien el libro de medicine helped my companion with some rash he has so he appreciated that a lot, thanks.
Anyways thanks for keeping me in the loop and thanks for everything, me and my companion are going to try to figure family history right because we're going to be teaching it tonight, Adios!
Con Amor,
Elder Wixom