Thanks Mom! I got your package yesterday and I loved it! I'm wearing the tie right now haha, although it might be the first and last time ;)
I can't wait to talk to you guys in May! I've been thinkin' a little bit about work school and I must just want to be a dentist afterfall. I want to know what you gusy think about that and what you would recommend I did for school. I'm not really sure yet but I've been praying a lot and for know that seems to feel the best.
Oh my companion. He is thee best. I love him. His name is Joesph Jones from Chijuajua Mexico. His moms a gringa and his Dads Hispanic. He grew up speaking only english in his home and learned spanish at highschool. Hes a farm boy in and out. His dad own a few thousand acres growing chiles peaches and all sorts of things. Hes always talking about his fun elk or mountain lion experiencias but still sleeps with a superman onsie everynight XD.
We're really working hard to get a house of prayer going in Rodulfo. We had an attendance of 24 this week and weve got 8 baptisms out there planned for this month. Theres only one member family out there but they are golden, they come with us everytime we got out there 3-4 times a week and even if its not much they feed us whatever they can. Were talking with president about getting 2 missionarys fulltime out there so we dont have to make the two hour trip there and back everytime we go.
I didn't get to goto the baptism.. but I heard it was great, Her parents aren't members and actually her mom didn't know she had been going to church for 9 months before one day she went with her daughter. All the members were shocked to see her mom there and when her mom found out she told her daughter she couldnt get baptized till she was 18 for lying to her. Well she turned 18 the 23 so that's when she got baptized, it was great. Her mom came and was really supportive, we think were going to visit her this week and see if shes opened her heart enough to hear our message.
I love you guys so much! I hope you have the best week every!
Elder Wixom
No it's actually pretty much the same , the food you eat at parties is just a lot spicier here haha. But I'm starting to not like my food if the didn't cook it with chile. I never that that day would come.
Zone leading stressful. I do not like it. But it does have its perks. You can really get to know and help the people in your zone that way. I've usually only work in my area four days a week just cause were always on divisions.
The areas pretty, I know there's tons of ruins but I don't know much about them. I do know I'd like to see them some day in the future. We don't really have time right now but I know there's several and they're supposed to be really pretty.
Well Dad, Do you have any cool church history books? Anything about Joseph Smith or Brigham Young. Or any other cool doctrine book? I'd like to know more about where we come from as a church. I don't know if you could send any reading material the next couple months, I've found now that were getting up at 5 we've got extra time at night and I'd like to use it studying more.
Thanks dad. oh and thank mom for the pillowcase, I thought it was really sweet! I hope you have a great week!
Elder Wixom