Here it is hot. Yesterday it was hot. Tomorrow, well actually I just got cambios again today. I'm getting transfered to a place called Comitan and they say it actually gets cool there sometimes so I'm pretty excited. I'm going to be a zone leader with Elder Jones. I dont know what I feel about that, I'm really nervous actually. That's a ton of responsibilidad. I prayed to know if it's right and I felt God tell me so and that I just need to take it a day at a time. I love our Heavenly Father, he loves us so much.
Wow Dad thats great! When I come back will have to go the the gym a bunch. Here is way to hot to use weight machines. Enjoy them while you can.
Yeah I mean if you ever wanted to visit Georgia thats be awesome! Or we could go to Nauvoo again. I don't know but a trip like that sounds really fun to me.
Tell Madi I'm super proud of her. Debate will help her in a lot of ways. It was probably the most fun I had in high school. You should encourage her to consider learning spanish. I'd love to teach her and it would be fun to speak together.
Teaching pool well, as soon as we find an amazing family that keeps commitments and wants to get baptized I'm getting transfered. Thats ok, I know they're in good hands with Elder Chavez.
I love you dad!
Elder Chavez(the cubano) Elder Laurel (the veracruzano) and Hno Eduardo with his mom and sister