This week was long. Our branch is awesome and members that attend are
really good but there's just not a lot of them. Our branch president is
the only active priestholder we have right now so a lot of
responsibilities fall on us. This Sunday my companion and I both spoke
and then we gave both the classes haha. It's fun to teach but we're
trying to help some of the members get more involved. This area was
recently closed for about 6 months and recently reopened to the
missionaries. Right now it's just me and my companion here in San
Francisco with two other companionship's on the other side of the river
in ixuatan. Right now I'm a district leader again which is fun but it's
a lot of responsibility out here. We're kinda isolated from everyone and
were about 2 and a half hours out from the zone leaders. Something
cool is I know 2 of them missionaries from tuxtla in our district right
now so.
Something nice about here is everyone knows us. We walk up to talk to
somebody and they already know all about us and we're doing here. They're
all really friendly too and willing to listen to our message. There's
a lot of people here willing to follow Christ right now w'ere just
trying to organize ourselves and the branch so we can help these
people the best we can.
Thanks for everything!
Elder Wixom