haha mi Espangol pues, mas o menos, pero ya va. The people here drink pozol a lot on Sunday's. Look it up, maybe you could buy it or order it, it's a drink made out of corn and it's sooooo good. Pozol de cacao is even better. Anyways the family is having a lot of health problems right now so we're trying to do what we can for them. They're awesome.
So this week we saw a miracle. We were visiting a couple a few months ago that left to Ocosingo and came back this week for vacations. So the boy is a member since but his girlfriend no and when we were visiting with them here in Tuxtla he was never very interested in coming back to church. Well something changed when they went to Ocosingo and when they came back because it turns out that the hna has been attending church and hasn't missed a week and he's started up again and has been going for about 3 weeks now. They as a couple have been reading the Book of Mormon and just finished it a few weeks ago. They've been really good with the compromises and progressing really well but the detalle has always been that they live together unmarried. This week we put a date that she could prepare to be baptised and a week earlier they could prepare themselves to get married and we asked them to prepare about it to know if it was what they should do. We came back and they said they prayed and received an answer. They felt like they should talk to their family and get their opinions and the parents who were recently unsupportive of their marriage told them they would help pay for the boda. They're really excited getting everything put together and they're super excited to be able to start taking the sacrament and prepare for her baptism. They put in their part and prayed and God answered their prayer.
Thanks for everything take care!
Elder Wixom