Thank you and thanks for everything! I'm sure I'm going to have an birthday here but I'm going to miss you guys back home! But it sounds like your all doing great! And Jordan is a returned missionary so I'd trust him if I were you, he knows what happens to liars!
So this week was great. We had our baptism with Hna Fernanda this Saturday. It was awesome! Her whole family is less active and have been for some time but we visited them and talked with them and they all managed to show up! It was amazing to see the support she received from her family and all the members. She's so great, she stopped drinking coffee and has been praying and reading the Book of Mormon with her sister. Tonight we're going to have a noche de hogar in her house and we're very excited.
Besides that we've got a few promising investidagores and we're going to do our best to visit cada uno de ellos todos los días esta semana. We're super excited!
Hey well you guys have an excellent week y Les Amo Mucho! Nos Vemos!
Elder Wixom
So right now we're working with a couple kids who live in an área se llama vida mejor. Their names are Jorge and Rodrigo. We've been visiting them for a while and they're really receptive and are reading and doing all the commitments right now we're just trying to help them to come to church. They want to but there's a lot of false ideas here about our church so sometimes people are really hestive to attend the church with us. But we just keep working and just keep praying looking for an opportunity to talk with their parents and maybe share something with them.
The members here are awesome! They're all super great, they love the missionaries and really super super generous. We get a lot of support here in Bosques. The food is amazing, I absolutely love it. I need to find a wife who can cook real Mexican food because wow, it is the best.
I had an interview with the misión pte about two weeks ago and besides that no. I've got to say I really love pte George, he is so humble and he does so much for everybody here, wow. Being a misión president is really demanding.
Anyways thanks for everything and I'm excited about my first birthday here! I do not feel 19 haha but that's life, anyway take care y que tenga excelente dia, nos vemos!
Elder Wixom
Hna Fernanda!
This is Alejandro, un jovencito the hnas in our district are teaching i interviewed who also was baptized this saturday