Ha, I love the photos! Justin you are awesome haha, I Feliz Cumpliaños! and I'm sorry but I really don't have time every week to send photos because the computers here are mas o menos at best. And Sol I know you'll be fine and I'm praying for you, good job and I love you! Madi good luck with the play, if possible send me picturesI want to see it! I'm sure it'll be a ton of fun!
OK so about my area, it's one of the biggest in the mission, it used to be two missions but they merged into one so now we've got about 5 de la carpets del area. We travel everyday by combi. It's really helping me to be organized because we literally cannot waste anytime if we want to have a successful day. The good news is there's a Walmart and a Dominoes so I won't go hungry this cambio haha. My companion Elder Luna is really great and is just a cambio younger than I am. I love him to death and he speaks absolutely no English so it's really helping me to learn the language a lot faster. In our district it's just me, my companion and four Hermanas. They're super fun and if we have a district meeting I'll be sure to send you guys a picture of all of us.
Something amazing happened when we first got here, So my last few weeks in Ocosingo we were teaching an hermana. She's from Tuxtla but is studying in Ocosingo. So we were teaching her and she was super ready and super diligent and just really wanted to be baptized but she wanted to wait till we could visit her boyfriend first(a less active member). So we were waiting for a time that he would visit her in Oco. Well then I had cambios (change) and came to Tuxtla and guess what! The very first house of the very first visit I knocked on the door and guess who answered! Noody De La Cruz(her boyfriend). Idk, that kinda blew me away, anyways we've set away some time to visit him and I've been able to help them both in the English homework and Noody is getting more confident and he's attended the church with us this Sunday! En realidad tenemos un buen de milagros aqui y tambien alli en idaho, solo necesitamos a abrir nuestros ojos (Google translate says...We actually have a great miracle here and also there in idaho , we just need to open our eyes). It's amazing, we'll see were it goes from here but I'm emailing my old companion and were both working hard with this couple to get them active and get them to the temple, we're super excited.
Anyways I love you all but I've got to go! Have an excelente semana!
Elder Wixom
Elder Oaks talked to us about a lot of really cool things but what stood out to me was his love. More then anything just with everything he said there was a reason he said it and you could just feel how sincere he was when he was talking. More then any thing he said I think I learned how to better recognize the spirit and about what it takes to recognize the spirit. Anyways I just wanted to share that message really quick and take care of the family and take care of Sol, make sure he's alright. I love you all have an awesome week!
Elder Wixom
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