Thanks mom! I'm excited to start school but trying not to think about it too much, I'm glad you and dad have time to help me! We've been reaaaal busy lately. Yesterday we spent all day in flor de mayo picking corn with some less active members and investigatores. It was awesome! We cut a whole boatload of wood afterwords and picked a whole bunch of mangos. It was pretty fun. Their members there give so much to us so we decided to give back to them some more and that's why a penas we're writing back today. We've got two investiugadores planning to be baptized this saturday, leonor y limbano. limbano is a old man who is semi paralyzied on the left side of his body. Everytime we visit he does more and more excercies and just within the last month we've seen him progressing a whole lot. He's super excited to get baptized and has given up cafe and beer and many other things to be worthy. Leonor is a woman who lived in the states for about few years and went to our church while she was there. She's been through a lot of hard things lately and has seen a lot of problems with her family so as we taught her the restoration and the plan of salvacion my companion felt the impression to invite her to baptism this coming saturday and she broke down crying saying yes. It was amazing to see that kind of faith in someone. This church is soo true. Anyways I love you all, until next week!
Elder Wixom