¡Buenas Tardes!
Wow! so it sounds like los chuncos are doing great! And I know what you mean. I started bringing my notepad to all the church meeting and zone meetings and its amazing how much more you take out of Sunday's when you take thorough notes. That's something I'm going to want to do when I get back home.
Elder Carreon and I and getting along really well, he's 19 and from Puebla and he's a really really good missionary. Very humble and has a bunch of awesome ideas to help the ward. This cambio is going to be awesome! XD
This Sunday we weren't able to leave the church until 6 o'clock because we were waiting for the Bishop who had some important things to do. We were driving back thinking about who we need to visit when we get out of the truck and start walking down the sidewalk when we hear a women yelling "Elderes! Elderes!" Obviously we turn around and talk to her and she was crying because her baby has been sick with a fever for the last four days and she couldn't get him medical attention. She brought us to where she had been waiting in line to get her baby looked at and gave him a blessing right there. The baby stopped crying during the blessing and by the time we left you wouldn't even had known he'd been sick. It just makes you appreciate Gods hand in our lives and that when we need to be somewhere he provides the way.
Anyway thanks for the letters and the love and thank you family for your example to me growing up, I love you all so much!
Elder Wixom
My compadre Elder Carreon!
¡Comiendo como chiaponeco! (dont worry its apple-soda)