Thursday, August 27, 2015

New Area 8/25/15

I don't have a lot of time, I got permission just to write you guys real quick today, we had a meeting this week so I didn't have time to write Monday.

Yeah its tiny. There's no cars just mototaxis and the Internet doesn't work there. They mostly speak Spanish but some of them speak other dialects. Also about half the people never learned how to read to we read a lot with them. About 5 adults attend church every week so were going to work really hard to get things going but I know we can if we listen to Lord. 

Have a great week!

Elder Wixom

Love you guys

Monday, August 17, 2015

New Area 8/17/15


So we just received cambios and guess what! I'm leaving Bosque. I'm going to somewhere called San Francisco del Mar it's by the coast. I leave in 2 hours. I'm not entirely sure where it's at to tell you the truth but my companion says it's by the border of Oaxaca. I'm super excited. We've been seeing a lot of progress in the families and we even have a date for hna antonia baptism! This 29 of August! Also hno evelio is little by little gaining his testimony and is praying if the Book of Mormon is written by a latter day prophet. I'll miss these families but they're in good hands with my companion. I'm excited to leave and find new families to start teaching. There's nothing more fulfilling or enjoyable then sharing the gospel with people you love. I love this church and I love our leaders and all they do for us. I know this is the only true church of Christ and by it we can be saved. I hope you all have an awesome week and that you can look for opportunities to share the gospel. Se cuiden!

Elder Wixom

Monday, August 10, 2015

City of the Pineapple 8/10/15

This Wednesday we had a multizone activity with the mission president and the missionaries. We went to some waterfalls by Coita (city of the pineapple). I'll send you some photos, it was really nice.

I love you guys, take care!

Elder Wixom

This week Evelio Cruz Agilar came to church! It was awesome we talked about prophets and apostles and you can see how everyday we visit his testimonies growing. I love teaching that family.

Right now were visiting Antonia and Nuri. I cant remember if I told you but Nuri is a member and his girlfriend is getting ready to be baptized. The problem is they need to get married first. That had a little but of a problem with there paperwork but we fasted with them and there family and invited about 8 other missionaries to join us and today in the afternoon were going to find out what the offices say. She is super ready to be baptized who knows everything and has a very strong testimony of Jesus and the book of Mormon. Right now were just praying and we've done all we can and were putting the rest in Gods hands and he's going to do whatever is best for them. 

yeah sell it I don't need. I'm going to buy a real chiaponeco hammock when I come back anyway haha.

Thanks dad for everything, take care of the family!

Elder Wixom